[3D Web Graphics] 《 euljiro.xyz 》

As of Januray 2022, I recommend to enjoy this artwork online, euljiro.xyz. (It would work better if your graphic card is Nvidia GTX 1060 or higher.)
  • Position: [Director] Developer, Designer
  • Topic: Web 3D, Urban Environment
  • Venue: Eulji Art Center 을지예술센터 or website euljiro.xyz
  • Tools: threejs, XBOX gamepad (Web API), monstermash, Procreate, netlify
  • Development Period: 2021.07.01 ~ 2021.12.1
  • Offline Exhibition Date: 2021.11.27 ~ 2022.1.23
  • Thanks to: Producer Yoo Jun Lee, Sound Designer Ja Hyun Kim

  • eulji1
    slide 1 3 1
    Development Process: modeling with SIGGRAPH Demo MonsterMash.ZONE

    GPU Instancing - Grass

    • Used InstancedMesh to render 1000+ grass objects to reduce the number of draw calls and improve rendering performance, as all grass can look the same, which means sharing same mesh and material
    • Position the grass instances inside the circular PARK area
    const leavesMaterial = new THREE.ShaderMaterial({
      side: THREE.DoubleSide
    const instanceNumber = 100000;
    const grass = new THREE.Object3D();
    const geometry = new THREE.PlaneGeometry( 3, 6, 1, 4 );
    const instancedMesh = new THREE.InstancedMesh( geometry, leavesMaterial, instanceNumber );
    instancedMesh.name = "shader grass"
    scene.add( instancedMesh );
    const r = ZONE_RADIUS.GARDEN
    for ( let i=0 ; i<instanceNumber ; i++ ) {
      // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5837572/generate-a-random-point-within-a-circle-uniformly
      const t = 2*Math.PI*Math.random()
      const u = getRandomArbitrary(0, r) + getRandomArbitrary(0, r)
      let radius;
      if(u > r) {
        radius = r*2 - u
      } else {
        radius = u 
      grass.position.set(radius * Math.cos(t), 0, radius * Math.sin(t))
      grass.scale.setScalar( 0.5 + Math.random() * 0.5 );
      grass.rotation.y = Math.random() * Math.PI;
      instancedMesh.setMatrixAt( i, grass.matrix );
    • Normally in games, you would want to draw more realistic grass shapes and thus, use special texture with alpha-transparent area like the example below.
    • But in this low poly aesthetics, the rectangular grass shape worked well. Also I didn't want to add another rendering work with alpha texture.
    UnityShaderStartup Book1
    From the book: Unity Shader Startup
    UnityShaderStartup Book2
    From the book: Unity Shader Startup

    Rose Algorithm to Make Spiral Flower Petals

    zone1 2
    low energy view (environment lighting)

    Nature Objects: Flower petals

    • Rose Algorithm

    • Define class and Animating flower petals

    constructor(params) {
      const { numerator, denominator, angleGap, size } = params;
      // ...
      this.n = numerator || 4;
      this.d = denominator || 7;
      this.angle = angleGap || 0.5; 
      this.k = this.n/this.d;
      this.amplitude = 30;
      this.rotationY = Math.PI/2.0;
      this.scaleNum = size;
      for(let i = 0; i < Math.PI * 2.0 * this.d; i += this.angle) {
          let radial = this.amplitude * Math.cos(this.k * i)
          let x = radial * Math.cos(i)
          let y = radial * Math.sin(i)
          var m = mesh.clone()
          m.rotateZ(i * Math.PI/4.0)
          m.position.set(x, y, 0)
      let petalN = Math.abs(Math.cos(time/3000)*4) + 1
      let petalD = Math.abs(Math.sin(time/3000)*9) + 1
      this.n = petalN
      this.d = petalD

    Research Background

    rose collections
    Rose Algorithm: different numbers, different visuals
    Rose Algorithm: bezier vertex and thin strokes
    Rose Algorithm: bezier vertex and thin strokes
    rose3 params
    Rose Algorithm with UI inputs
    rose4 params
    Rose Algorithm with UI inputs


    Used to decorate each ZONE's bottom circular planes and materials for Main Tree, each Zone's bottom plane (metallics kaleidoscope, coffee colored liquid visual)

    • cellular noise
    • fractals
    • noise
    • turbulence
    zone1 3
    Bottom Plane of Zone 1 is Metallic Fragment Shader Material
    shadertoy 1
    Testing Variation of cellular noise algorithm
    shadertoy 2
    Testing Variation for liquid material
    • Referred to shadertoy and The Book of Shaders.

    • Vertex shader: Here's a quick summary of how threejs uses vertex shader and coordinates.

    In Three.js, the vertex shader is responsible for transforming the vertices of a 3D object from their local coordinate space to the final position on the screen. This transformation involves applying a series of matrix operations to each vertex.
    The reason for calculating matrices in the vertex shader is to ensure that the vertices are transformed correctly based on the current state of the scene and the camera. The matrices used in the vertex shader include modelMatrix (local space), viewMatrix (camera space), projectionMatrix (3D space to 2D). 
    vertex position => model matrix => view matrix => projection matrix => Final position in 3D space & Camera view

    L system

    euljiro park
    Low poly, L-system trees in the PARK
    lsystem 1
    L system trees
    • I used the L-system algorithm to generate geometric trees, especially the biggest tree in this virtual world.
      • Using f, A, B, ^, +, - symbols to make generative rules of growing trees and branches
    • Used cylinder geometries and shader material for the branches
    • If the branch radius reaches certain number, stop drawing branches and draw flower/leaf petals instead
    if(branchRadius < 0.24) {
        branchMesh = new THREE.Mesh(petalClone, randomMat);
    } else {
        branchMesh = new THREE.Mesh(branchCylinder, material);
        if(material.name === "shader") branchMesh.name = "shader"
    • Example of axiom, rules of L-system
    if (axiom.charAt(i) === "f") {
      topPoint = branchInsert(
          branchLength * (1 - j * lengthReductionFactor),
          branchRadius * (1 - j * radiusReductionFactor), 
          angle * rightX + preXAngle,
          angle * rightY + preYAngle, 
          angle * rightZ + preZAngle);
      j += 1;
      preXAngle += angle * rightX;
      preYAngle += angle * rightY;
      preZAngle += angle * rightZ;
      rightX = 0;
      rightY = 0;
      rightZ = 0;
    • Good First Step into L system: p5js demo with recursive function
    function tree(xpos, len) {
      translate(xpos, height);
      line(0, 0, 0, -100);
    function branch(len) {
      line(0, 0, 0, -len)
      translate(0, -len)
      len *= 0.7;
      if(len > 1) {
    cc recursiveTree
    p5js demo preview
    1. Then, expand into the algorithm of L-system using axiom, rules like this book describes.
    botany algo book
    From the book: Botany of Algorithm

    Physics - Collision & Raycasting

    Bounding Volumes for entrance path
    • Inside tick(), keep checking if the camera's position is inside or outside of bounding boxes of several paths (zone 1, 2, 3, park)
      • tick() function is as same as Unity C# script's Update() function.
      • If the camera collides with the bounding box / walls, update the camera (aka pointerLockControls) position or velocity to offset the movement.
    • Raycast
      • Shoot a ray to check the object intersecting or close enough to the camera (first person controller)
      • If the camera's ray hits the object in the scene, it shows a certain text
    • Checking ZONE location
      • Using "distance squared" comparison between each ZONE's circular area and Camera position
        // Zone 1
        const centerX1 = ZONE_POS.ONE.x
        const centerZ1 = ZONE_POS.ONE.z
        const radius1 = ZONE_RADIUS.ONE
        const dx1 = Math.abs(currentPos.x - centerX1)
        const dz1 = Math.abs(currentPos.z - centerZ1)
        let inZone1 = dx1*dx1 + dz1*dz1 <= radius1*radius1
      • Save current ZONE location data in web browser's localStorage
    • Bounding Volume Check
      • Create a (invisible) mesh for bounding box or use the pre-existing mesh
      • Update World Position of Mesh
      • Compute Bounding Box of geometry data of the Mesh
      • Create a variable to save AABB bounding box of the Mesh
      • Update the AABB world position with the Mesh's world matrix.
      • https://threejs.org/docs/?q=box3#api/en/math/Box3
    let shutterBB_left, shutterBB_right, shutterBB_back;
      // x: 6051 ~ 7061, z: -50
      // x: 6051 ~ 7061, z: 50
      const shutterGeometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry( 1000, 100, 20 ); 
      const shutterMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( {color: 0x00ff00} ); 
      const _leftShutterBBMesh = new THREE.Mesh( shutterGeometry, shutterMaterial ); 
      _leftShutterBBMesh.position.set(6051 + 500, 50, 50)
      // scene.add( _leftShutterBBMesh );
      // Update mesh matrix world
      // Update shutter bounding box
      shutterBB_left = new THREE.Box3();
    function tick() {
      let currentPos = pointerControls.getObject().position
          const dist = shutterBB_left.distanceToPoint(currentPos)
          if(dist < 20){
            console.log("close to shutter left")
            // velocity.x += velocity.x * 0.005;
            // pointerControls.moveRight(velocity.x);
            pointerControls.getObject().position.z -= 6;
      // ...

    Game Mechanism & Renderer

    • Energy Feedback System
      • Negative Feedback: If the user uses all the given energy, give post-processing Blurred effect.
      • Used Nodepost Renderer Processing
      • Blur effect: mosaic pixelated effect on screen
    • Threejs uses WebGLRenderer.
    zone1 2
    low energy view (environment lighting)
      // init NodePostProcessing
      blurScreen = new Nodes.BlurNode( new Nodes.ScreenNode() );
      blurScreen.size = new THREE.Vector2( size.width, size.height );
      nodepost.output = blurScreen;
      blurScreen.radius.x = 0;
      blurScreen.radius.y = 0;
      // check energy progress
      let energyPercent = ((window.ACC_STEPS/window.STEP_LIMIT)*100) 
      if( energyPercent < 30 ) {
      } else if ( energyPercent > 30 ) {
      function gradientBlurScreen(delta) {
      if(delta < 0) {  // to CLEAR
        while(blurScreen.radius.x >= 0) {
          blurScreen.radius.x += delta
          blurScreen.radius.y += delta
      if(delta > 0) {  // to BLUR
        while(blurScreen.radius.x <= 5) {
          blurScreen.radius.x += delta
          blurScreen.radius.y += delta 



    Animating Static Geometries

    • Limited range of random PI values for positions x, z
    • Animate the scale of each mesh by traversing the objects in main tick() function

    Animating Skinned Mesh

    • Threejs Animation System

      • Animation Mixer
        • Include Animation Clips
    • Animaiton Mixer

      • Save all animation mixer data in the global array
      • Loop and play them inside the main tick() function
    • Character Assets

      • glbLoader: GLB formats
      • dracoLoader: Draco Compression

    First Person Camera

    • Perspective Camera: Assign values for fov, aspect, near plane, far plane
    • PointerLockControls
      • First Person Body attached to Main Camera
      • mouse: Eye Direction
      • keyboard WASD, Arrows, xboxGamepad: Walking Direction
      • Control the values of velocity, position
      • Lock / Unlock: Press ESC to Retrieve the mouse pointer
        • Used addEventListeners to check lock/unlock status
        • When locked, show UI instructions
  • Player Interaction: Players can navigate using the arrow keys. Utilized raycasting to sense the distance between the player and characters. When in close proximity, a contextual message window appears.

  • Character Design & Animation: Converted hand-drawn 2D character sketches from Procreate into 3D using the Monstermash.zone application. Produced short animations for these characters.

  • Exhibition Interactivity: During the exhibition period, incorporated the Gamepad API to enable user interaction via gamepad consoles.

  • Web Infrastructure: Built the website using webpack and vite bundling frameworks and deployed through the Netlify service.

  • Euljiro district (Seoul, South Korea) stands as a melting pot of generations, a fusion of historical manufacturers and modern merchants, a juxtaposition of vintage charm and hipster allure, all underscored by the palpable tension of gentrification. However, in my observations, a crucial element appeared absent: a natural public space where its eclectic inhabitants could indirectly connect and interact. This prompted me to conceptualize a virtual park. Within this digital realm, users can only recharge their 'energy' within the park, which is then expended as they explore the broader environment.

    This work was featured in the group exhibition 'Folding of the City' at Eulji Art Center and drew inspiration from Jingfang Hao's science fiction novel, "Folding Beijing."

    The artwork delves into the multifaceted aspects of Euljiro, portraying the dichotomies of young versus old, time-honored manufacturing outlets versus contemporary cafes, and the looming shadows of gentrification amidst a lack of nature. This piece is my sci-fi vision of Euljiro's potential evolution.

    Special gratitude to 서울문화재단 (Seoul Foundation of Arts and Culture), 을지예술센터 (Eulji Art Center), 이유준 PD, and 김자현, a renowned Composer and Sound Artist, for their invaluable support and contribution.

    Updated 2022.02

    Removed animations from a number of models, considering the tech specs for more devices.
    zone0 1
    squirrel in the park
    zone1 1
    entering zone 1
    zone 1: manufacturing area
    zone 2
    zone 3