Please watch the video for the full on-site AR experience
Position: Lead Developer (Web, AR)
Project: Chinatown AR Experience
Sponsor: NEH Foundation
Location: Huntington, LA Metro
Date: August 2023 - present
Team: USC Mobile & Environmental Media Lab (Led by Professor Scott Fisher)
Directed cross-functional teams consisting of 10+ developers, designers, and producers.
Actively coordinated with 8th Wall employees for technical solutions and bug reporting.
Venue: Union Station, Los Angeles Chinatown
Type: Web-based Augmented Reality Website
8th Wall
Vanilla Javascript
Environment Construction:
Designed an 8th Wall Augmented Reality website spanning 5+ pages with scene transitions.
Integrated the narrative of Chinatown history into the AR experience.
Used the Visual Positioning System based on Aframe and 8th Wall API.
Visual Effects:
Developed occlusion effects for the portal and embedded 3D models.
Implemented UI/UX design, curating 5+ scene transitions between user menus and AR scenarios.
Player Interaction:
Developed AR features, inventory management, and scenes using 8th Wall and AFRAME API.
Incorporated camera raycasting for enhanced AR interactivity.
Engineered a system to check the camera frustum for AR objects.
Created a proximity detection system with the target to refine user experience during portal interactions.
Guided the optimization process alongside 3 designers to refine GLB/GLTF models, focusing on texture management and Draco compression.
3D modeling integration
Used the metric reflecting the real distance relative to the wayspot
Measured the entire LA UNION STATION sundial wayspot venue
To make sure the AR 3D model to spawn at the desired location when the users scan the wayspot
Optimization for web, app, XR
Initially, the model's filesize was too big to be used in web
Troubleshooted if it were Rhino problem, or mesh or texture issues
Rhino uses NURBS, Maya and Blender you can use Polygon instead NURBS
Texture file size was too big. The ideal or maximum size of texture would be 1024x1024.
Texture file format: png to jpg. Reduce filesize
Upload the entire 3D model with UV mapped to website which allows you to optimize texture size as well as 3D modeling compression, using draco technology developed by google.
8th wall only supports glb 3D file format, which is preferred in most of web-based 3D assets even in other libraries such as threejs.
You can use draco compression on glb, gltf file format.
Maya doesn't support glb/gltf export, so we had to ultimately use Blender as the last part of 3D pipeline.
8th Wall / A-frame API: simple way to integrate 3D or webVR into the website. A-frame is an eaiser wrapper library of threejs.
Niantic 8thwall Editor view. Optimized 3d model with less than 1MB
// loading in the beginning of the scene.
<a-scenelanding-pageactivate-portalvps-coaching-overlaybackground="color: #303030"renderer="colorManagement: true"gltf-model="dracoDecoderPath:"xrextras-runtime-errorxrextras-loadingui-component="currentScene: mobileSundial;"xrweb="enableVps: true; allowedDevices: any"><a-assets><a-asset-itemid="vps-mesh"src="../assets/glb/sun-dial---i.glb"></a-asset-item><a-asset-itemid="men-jen-low"src="../assets/glb/2023-10-11_MenJenLowBlock_Frame_Without_extrusion-draco.glb"></a-asset-item><a-asset-itemid="portal-frame"src="../assets/glb/portal-frame.glb"></a-asset-item><imgid="holo-placeholder-img"src="../assets/img/DavidSilhouette.png"/><videoid="portal-video"mutedautoplayplaysinlinecrossorigin="anonymous"loop="true"src=".././assets/video/manjenlow_monet_2.mp4"></video><imgid="skybox-img"src="../assets/img/skybox.jpg"/><imgid="blob-shadow-img"src="../assets/img/blob-shadow.png"/><imgid="men-jen-low-img"src="../assets/img/manjenlowCafe.jpg"/></a-assets>
// After you scan sun-dial, all the a-entity tags inside this will appear
<a-entityid="VPSMesh"named-wayspot="name: sun-dial---i"><!-- Made MJL model transparent in the beginning. --><a-entityid="ghostBuilding"gltf-model="#men-jen-low"model-transparent="opacity: 0.3"></a-entity><!-- all other AR objects you want to spawn --><!-- Inside the portal. Same building without transparency --><a-entityid="men-jen-low"gltf-model="#men-jen-low"reflections="type: realtime"shadow="receive: false"></a-entity></a-entity>
Final App Design screeshot of code base Testing AR VPS mesh, 3D models, and occlusion effects on desktop debugging 8th wall map for VPS registered public wayspot 8th wall VPS coaching overlay UI for GPS object detection screenshot of desktop debugging of VPS and 3D AR objects